Category Archives: Uncategorized

OpenBSD 6.9 – Help with the “Failed to install bootblocks” issue

Hi everyone! I purposely chose a non-catchy title so that it would be more easily found by the search engines as this one has been a challenge for me in my last several laptop installs and I always manage to … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk Password Vaults

When “civilians” asks me what the most important thing they can do to protect the security of their home computers, I always answer the same way – make sure you patch and do so automatically! However, as Windows 10 finally … Continue reading

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Fast Follower – Even More Privacy Centric DNS!

After posting this blog entry, I had a number of people reach out to me to tell me that, while my configuration recommendations were good, there was something new in the DNScrypt protocol that I could take advantage of to … Continue reading

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Fixing an OpSec Hole…

As return readers of this blog know, I try pretty hard to maximize my privacy and security online and also share what I’ve learned with the readers. One (in retrospect) painfully obvious hole, however, in my operational security (OpSec for … Continue reading

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How To: Privacy-centric DNS

For those who aren’t as technically minded, it’s worth talking about what happens when you type a URL into your web browser and how that impacts privacy. The first thing is that the string you type in, say needs … Continue reading

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Save Me from the Data Brokers!

In looking back over my most recent posts on this blog, I’m noticing a pattern. I’m tending to focus on technical aspects of privacy and security and am leaning more towards the security side of things. Given that I want … Continue reading

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Quick and Dirty OpenBSD Version Upgrade on a Running System

I probably should have checked the mailing lists before writing my last two blog posts on how I install and “beautify” an OpenBSD bare-metal install on a laptop because sure as I was done with the second one and shared … Continue reading

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Fast follower post – making OpenBSD UI a bit “prettier” (as I see it)

In my last blog post, I shared how I set up my OpenBSD laptop from the bare metal. In retrospect, there are a handful of UI tweaks that I also perform to make my UI and workflow more consistent between … Continue reading

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OpenBSD Laptop

Hi, I know it’s been a while. I recently had to nuke and re-pave my personal laptop and I thought it would be a nice thing to share with the community how I set up OpenBSD on it so that … Continue reading

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Let’s dial it up to 11

So. It’s been a few months since I last posted here. I decided that the best way to sharpen my cyber skills would be to start treating my home environment like an enterprise one. In approaching this thought experiment, I … Continue reading

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