OpenBSD Laptop

Hi, I know it’s been a while. I recently had to nuke and re-pave my personal laptop and I thought it would be a nice thing to share with the community how I set up OpenBSD on it so that I have a useful, modern, secure environment for getting work done. I’m not going to say I’m the expert on this or that this is the BEST way to set up OpenBSD, but I thought it would be worthwhile for folks doing Google searches to at least get my opinion on this. So, given that, let’s go…

After downloading the install67.fs image from my favorite site ( I write it to a USB drive on Linux with:

$ sudo dd if=install67.fs of=/dev/sdc bs=1M

I then boot off of that USB drive and drop to a (s)hell at the install prompt. From there, I create the full disk encryption container for my install:

# cd /dev
# chmod +x ./MAKEDEV
# ./MAKEDEV sd1
# fdisk -iy sd1
# disklabel -E sd1

Create one big “a” partition for the whole drive but specify RAID as the partition type.

# bioctl -c C -l /dev/sd1a softraid0

I then enter my decryption password and type ‘exit’ to restart the installation. The only tweak I make to the installer is to set up my wifi (it won’t work in the installer or on reboot for me because I have an Intel ‘iwm’ device that needs the firmware installed – I do that later) and make sure that my /usr partition is at least 200g in size (I probably should but I don’t create the subdirectory mount points, just one big /usr).

After the first reboot, I go back to my Linux box with the same USB drive, turn it into a single partition FAT32 drive and download the firmware for my Intel ‘iwm’ device from as a single .tgz file that I place on that USB drive. I then mount the drive on OpenBSD:

# mount /dev/sd2i /mnt

Next, I copy the .tgz file to the /etc directory and expand it there. It will automatically put the right files in the /etc/firmware directory. I then reboot and should have WiFi. I then update the other firmware:

# fw_update

Next, I run syspatch to ensure that I’m fully patched on the kernel and userland I’m running:

# syspatch

That takes a bit of time, just be patient. At this point, it’s best to reboot because so much has changed on the disk from what is running in memory. You should see in the dmesg output that all of your firmware installed successfully and that the kernel relinked to help fight off potential ROP attackers.

First things first, I create an /etc/doas.conf file so that I can run everything in my regular user account:

# echo “permit persist keepenv MY_USERNAME as root” > /etc/doas.conf

Next, I set up power management (because I’m running on a laptop):

# rcctl enable apmd
# rccl set apmd flags -A
# rcctl start apmd

Since I run development tools and the owncloud desktop, I have to tweak some values in /etc/login.conf to make things work the way I want them to. First, I add myself to the “staff” group:

# usermod -G staff MY_USERNAME

I then edit /etc/login.conf in the “staff” section to make the following changes:

# pkg_add vim
# vim /etc/login.conf


I also modify /etc/sysctl.conf to include the line:


I then will typically reboot to pick up the changes.

Next, I want to install the Gnome desktop environment and the Gnome display manager. It’s what I’m most comfortable in and I know it’s a pain in the you know what for the port maintainers to keep it working on OpenBSD because of the Linux-ism’s that keep creeping in so I want to put in a shout out to them for all of their hard work on this.

# pkg_add gnome gnome-tweaks gnome-extras
# rcctl disable xenodm
# rcctl enable multicast messagebus avahi_daemon gdm

Install my favorite applications and utilities:

# pkg_add firefox chromium libreoffice owncloudclient
# pkg_add keepassxc aisleriot evolution evolution-ews
# pkg_add tor-browser shotwell gimp

I will reboot at this point and go into Gnome with the default theme. That needs fixing so I download the yaru-remix-complete theme from and install it manually by doing the following:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir .themes
$ cd .themes
$ mv ~/Downloads/Yaru-remix-complete.tar.xz .
$ unxz Yaru-remix-complete.tar.xz
$ tar xf Yaru-remix-complete.tar
$ mv themes/* .
$ rmdir themes
$ doas mv icons/* /usr/local/share/icons
$ rmdir icons
$ doas mv wallpaper/* /usr/local/share/backgrounds/gnome
$ rmdir wallpaper
$ rm Yaru-remix-complete.tar

Fire up gnome-tweaks and from “Extensions” turn on “user-themes”. Close and restart gnome-tweaks, go to the “Appearance” tab and select “Yaru-remix-dark” for “Applications”, “Icons” and “Shell”. ON “Top Bar”, turn on “Battery Percentage” and “Weekday”. In “Window Titlebars” enable “Maximize” and “Minimize”.

Enable the extension “Dash to Dock” by downloading it from and pick the right shell version and extension version to match your install of Gnome shell. You will have to manually install it because the Gnome shell extension integration doesn’t appear to be enabled for OpenBSD:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ unzip
$ cat metadata.json

The value for “uuid” is what you want to use next:

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
$ cd ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
$ unzip ~/Downloads/

Reboot to restart Gnome shell, log in, start gnome-tweaks, navigate to the “Extensions” tab and enable dash to dock. From the settings gear icon, select “extend to edge…” and you should have a very serviceable dock that is quite similar to Ubuntu 20.04’s.

Finally, switch the terminal to “Green on Black” for a better look in the terminal. Pin your favorite apps to the dock and you should be good to go.

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6 Responses to OpenBSD Laptop

  1. Pingback: Fast follower post – making OpenBSD UI a bit “prettier” (as I see it) |

  2. Pingback: Valuable News – 2020/10/19 | 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗

  3. Anonymous says:

    The article confuses, like many other, group ‘staff’ with login class ‘staff’. Adding your username to group staff won’t allow you access to higher resource limits, instead you need to change your login class via ‘usermod -L’ to staff login class. In order to double-check, you can use the userinfo command to show your current login class (which is different from group staff).

  4. Pingback: OpenBSD Laptop - System24Tech

  5. Pingback: Beastie and *nix | Aaron Graves, PhDude

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