Where do binary packages come from?

To follow up on my last post where I talked about the high-level concepts involved with OpenBSD ports & packages and why you would want to work on them (Time to make the donuts), I thought I would share an actual experience I had where there was a Python library I needed in OpenBSD that wasn’t there.

Create Directory

The library is dnslib and it was used by a security tool I was porting to OpenBSD.  I first started out by creating a subdirectory under the /usr/ports/net called “py-dnslib”.  I choce “net” because this is a network library and I prefixed the name of the library with “py-” because that is the convention I observed browsing around in the ports tree.

Create Makefile

The next step in the process is to create a basic Makefile.  Remember that in OpenBSD, for licensing reasons, the ports tree does not contain the actual source code of the ports themselves.  It provides information to the ports build subsystem on where to download the source and process it.  The best way to build a new Makefile is not from scratch, but by looking for something similar that already exists and modifying it.  My initial Makefile looked like this:

# $OpenBSD$

COMMENT=                library to en/decode DNS wire-format packets for Python

DISTNAME=               dnslib-${MODPY_EGG_VERSION}
PKGNAME=                py-${DISTNAME}
CATEGORIES=             net

HOMEPAGE=               https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnslib

MAINTAINER=             Bryan Everly <bryan@bceassociates.com>


MASTER_SITES=           https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/dnslib/

MODULES=                lang/python

FLAVORS = python3

${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/run_tests.sh
cd ${WRKSRC} && ./run_tests.sh

.include <bsd.port.mk>

To walk through this, the first line is a comment that describes (as briefly as possible) what this port does.  The next section contains the author’s version number of this library, the name of the distribution file to download from the source server, the package name that will be used in the ports tree and finally the subdirectory (category) this port lives in.

Next, we see the homepage of this project on the Internet and my information as the maintainer of this port going forward.  Please note that if you sign up to be a maintainer of a port it is a serious commitment.  You will be responsible for making sure that you keep the OpenBSD version of this port current and to work with the upstream authors to ensure that it works cleanly and well on OpenBSD.  It is not a commitment to be taken lightly.

We then see a comment that indicates that this is a BSD license for the library (you can find that out by looking at the source code for the library or its homepage).  Next we have a line that controls whether or not the license for this port would allow it to be included in the release CD-ROM images for OpenBSD.

MasterSites points at where the source code is going to be downloaded from.  In this case it is pypi.python.org that we are fetching the code from.  The lang/python modules line pulls in support in the build infrastructure to simplify and standardize the way Python packages are built.  We also use Python 3 as a “flavor” for the package.  Check the OpenBSD documentation to get a better understanding of flavors.

Finally, the “do-test” target executes the built-in unit tests that are included with the dnslib module from the upstream author.  Now that we have the Makefile skeleton in place, time to actually build and test this port.

Other bits and pieces

Now that we have a Makefile created, we also need to create some additional files:

  • patches – This subdirectory will contain patches we have to make to the downloaded source to get it to build successfully on Open BSD.  See below for more details.
  • pkg/DESCR – This file is a 72 column wide text file that contains a broader description of what the port/package is and how to use it.

What do I do first?

The OpenBSD build subsystem has many options.  It is definitely worth looking at the bsd.port.mk manpage to better understand the complexities that are available to you.  In our case, there are some simple targets of “make” that we will use to get this port built and tested.  You can just be crazy and leap right to “make install” but I like to take it one step at a time and correct any problems as they crop up.

  1. “make fetch” is the first target you want to try.  This will execute the part of the build system that pulls down the source code from the MasterSites location.  The files are placed into the /usr/ports/distfiles subdirectory in a specific directory based on your $DISTNAME from your Makefile.
  2. “make extract” is the next target to try.  This will take the compressed source archive that was downloaded in step 1 and extract it into the /usr/ports/pobj subdirectory in a directory controled by $WRKDIR from your Makefile (derived from your $PKGNAME).
  3. “make makesum” – This target creates a checksum hash of your downloaded source package and stores it in a “distinfo” file.  That way if someone upstream monkeys with the source archive, we won’t just blindly pull it down and build it.
  4. “make update-patches” – If you have to patch a file (and in our case we do have to patch the test script to run the tests with our default version of Python), the way you do it is to first copy the file in the /usr/ports/distfiles/${DISTDIR} to a file with a .orig suffix (i.e. you copy foo.sh to foo.sh.orig).  Then you perform your edits on the non suffixed file and run “make update-patches” from your ports directory.  It will then create the diff you need in the patches subdirectory and it will be preserved across build and clean cycles.
  5. “make build” is the next target to try.  This will actually build your source code into its final form.  Since this is a Python module, not much exciting stuff happens here.  If it were a C program, then you’d get to watch the compile and link steps whiz past.
  6. “make update-plist” – This target creates or updates a file called pkg/PLIST that contains the manifest of files that will be part of the package.  Any time you add or remove a file (or change its name) you need to run this target and (if you are updating) remove the pkg/PLIST.orig file that is created.
  7. “make do-test” runs our unit tests.  More on this later…
  8. “make fake” is a fun one.  Sine the binary packages are built from the ports tree (actually, when you build a port from source it really creates and installs a binary package to be precise) there is a “fake” directory that mirrors the root filesystem of an OpenBSD install that all of your files from your port get packaged up into.  This lives in /usr/ports/pobj/$WRKDIR/fake-${MACHINE_ARCH} and if you browse it you will see the usual subject directories (/etc, /usr, /var).  When this target completes, the fake directory should contain all of the files that will be added by your binary package in the directories in which they should land.
  9. “make package” is next.  It takes the fake directory and creates the binary package from it.  The resulting file is placed in /usr/ports/packages/${MACHINE_ARCH} (mine is amd64).
  10. “make install” is where all the work pays off.  This takes the binary package you created and installs it on your system.

Cleaning up

To clean each step along the way and move back in the process (sometimes a necessary thing to do if upstream updates its version number, etc.) there are a variety of targets that are pretty self-explanatory:

  • “make uninstall” – uninstall the binary package
  • “make clean=package” – removes the binary package from the /usr/ports/packages/${MACHINE_ARCH} directory
  • “make clean=fake” – removes the fake directory from the /usr/ports/pobj/$WRKDIR/fake-${MACHINE_ARCH} directory
  • “make clean=all” – undoes any work done by “make build”
  • “make clean=distfiles” removes the source archive downloaded from the $MASTER_SITES directory

Did it work?

Well, unfortunately there were two unit test failures in the test.  Since the OpenBSD project is not a fan of just hacking stuff through, I started working with the author of this module (known as “upstream” in the vernacular of the people) to see what could be done to fix the problems.  After a couple of back and forth sessions, he kindly found and corrected a pretty subtle bug that hadn’t been seen before.  I asked him to cut a new version and put it up on the repository and updated my Makefile to use the new version.

Now what?

At this point, I created a compressed tarball of the entire port directory (after testing that the new versions worked without error of course) and sent an email to the ports@ mailing list (ports@openbsd.org) with the tarball attached.  The syntax you should use in these emails to simplify things is as follows:

  • The subject line should start out with a tag in square brackets indicating if this is a new port or an update (in our case “[NEW]”
  • The tag should be followed by the name of the port subdirectory with its category (in our case net/py-dnslib)
  • The body of the message should include a description of the port (I just include the text from dist/DESCR) and a request for review and committing if everything looks good (I am not a commiter).

In the process of going back and forth on the mailing list, I got and incorporated more feedback to simplify things in my Makefile to finally generate the following file that was committed on my behalf:

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 2015/10/30 16:44:54 rpointel Exp $

COMMENT=        library to en/decode DNS wire-format packets for Python

PKGNAME=        py-${DISTNAME}
CATEGORIES=        net
MODPY_PI=        Yes

HOMEPAGE=        https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnslib

MAINTAINER=        Bryan Everly <bryan@bceassociates.com>


MODULES=        lang/python

FLAVORS = python3

${SUBST_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/run_tests.sh
cd ${WRKSRC} && ./run_tests.sh

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Wrap up

Well, that was fun wasn’t it?  While it seems like a lot of work, it is important to point out that this level of attention to detail and quality is what makes OpenBSD the stellar operating system that it is today.  I hope that you were able to learn a bit more about binary packages and how the ports system creates them.  As always, any questions or feedback would be welcome.

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Time to make the donuts… ports…

One of the things I enjoy doing as I learn more about OpenBSD and the community around it is to help with the effort to port software to the platform that I personally find useful and think others will.  The ports system is where all of this third party software lives (/usr/ports) and you can read about it more here:


Keep in mind that the ports tree isn’t just an archaic way of building software from source, it is also where all of the binary packages come from. This is worth repeating – if you want a binary package, someone first had to create a port of it. 

The capabilities of the ports and packages system are pretty daunting when you first start to look at them.  Since I’ve muddled through a few ports successfully so far (with a lot of help from the community), I thought I would outline the general process I have followed here as a guide to others.

Step 1 – Figure out what you want to port

This may sound obvious, but you probably want to give some thought to what software that you find useful with an eye towards software that other people will find useful.  Sometimes, searching around on Google for folks complaining that X or Y isn’t available on OpenBSD can be helpful if you don’t have any solid ideas here.  The community wants the ports and packages for OpenBSD to be useful and will frequently prune things that don’t make sense or are hopelessly out of date.

Step 2 – Be ready to make a commitment

If you list yourself as the port maintainer, then you are taking on a serious responsibility to keep up with the upstream work on this piece of software and keep it current in the OpenBSD ports tree.  This can be time-consuming and will require you to work some to a lot with the “upstream” folks who actually author the software in the first place.

Step 3 – Be friendly to upstream

This is critically important.  A really poor OpenBSD port is one that has a bunch of patches in the ports subdirectory and more or less hacks the software together into some semblance of usefulness.  A truly good port is one where you have worked with the upstream authors and have contributed patches back to them that allow the OpenBSD version to build cleanly with no extra patching necessary.  By investing the time up-front, you not only help the upstream project but you also help yourself in the future as you maintain the port going forward.

Step 4 – Be polite to the kind folks at ports@

Since you are not likely an OpenBSD committer, you will need to get help from the people on the ports@openbsd.org mailing list to get your changes committed to the source tree.  Sometimes people can be in a hurry or focused on other things and maybe you won’t get a quick response to your port.  Be patient and polite and you will eventually get where you are.  If you don’t, it might be an indication that this particular piece of software isn’t terribly interesting to the community.

Step 5 – Read the documentation

There is a tremendous amount of very good documentation available online as part of the OpenBSD website.  Read it.  Then read it a second time.  Then when you hit problems, read it a third time.  If you are still stuck, politely request some help on either IRC or the ports@ mailing list and tell them what you have tried so far.  If you genuinely show an effort was made and you are just stuck, you are far more likely to find someone who will help you out.

How does a port work?

This was interesting for me to learn.  The /usr/ports directory tree doesn’t actually contain any source code (outside of patch files and some scripts).  The ports system (when building from source) pulls the source code from the upstream repository, deposits it into a /usr/ports/distfiles/PORT-v.v.v subdirectory and works on it in a subdirectory called /usr/ports/pobj/PORT-v.v.v.  This allows OpenBSD to have a light footprint and not pull down tons of source code that may or may not be of interest to the person building the machine.

The ports directory is subdivided based on the type of software.  For example, developer tools go in “devel”, database tools go in “database”, etc.  Not too tricky is it?  Each port then lives in a subdirectory under its category name.

The directory for a given port contains several standard files.  There is a “Makefile” which contains a very abbreviated set of build instructions that heavily leverages the ports infrastructure kindly provided by the OpenBSD developers.  There is a “distinfo” file that contains a manifest of data that validates the source file downloaded from upstream is the one the port maintainer was expecting.  Finally there is a pkg subdirectory with two files – “DESCR” and “PLIST”.  The “DESCR” file contains a brief description of what the port is and the “PLIST” file contains a package manifest of where the various components of the port are installed in a working system.

Most ports include a file at the bottom of their Makefile called “bsd.port.mk”.  Read the manpage for this file as it really does an excellent job of describing how the ports infrastructure works.  Given everything that you can build on OpenBSD from the ports tree, it is astonishing how well thought-out the infrastructure is.

That’s all for this posting.  Next time, we’ll get into the meat of how you actually port something with a real-world example of something I just finished porting.

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I’m going back to the future….

As I work on some ports for OpenBSD, one of the issues that has been mentally nagging at me is the idea that I might have a great AMD64 port but it won’t actually work on other processor architectures.  To me, one of the big draws of OpenBSD is the fact that you can take hardware that others might consider “obsolete”, put a modern operating system on it and then have a useful machine again.

With this in mind, I decided to see what I could do about getting some “other” processors into my stable.

Right off the bat, I realized I had an old G4 Mac Mini in a closet that would make a nice start.  I installed 5.7 from my release media (anyone running OpenBSD should buy the media to support the project – even if you don’t use it the stickers are always cool <g>).  I immediately ran into problems because the approach I took to partitioning was not creating the MSDOS partition with the bootloader.  Turns out that the path of least resistance is to edit the default partition scheme and go from there.  The bad idea (that I kept bumping my head into the wall over) was to either start from scratch or immediately do a “d *” from disklabel in the installer.

Once I had my PowerPC 32-bit system up and running, I realized I had another processor architecture I could try.  Sitting in that same closet was an old Thinkpad T21.  I pulled it out, spent 20 minutes looking for the power supply and was able to load the system pretty quickly.  Now I have three processor architectures to compile and test on natively.

Well, those were some pretty tame ones.  I wanted to try my hand at something more exotic so I read the docs carefully, looking for ideal machines that would be powerful enough to be useful, wouldn’t take up a lot of space and would also be affordable on the second-hand market.  I found a Sparc64 based machine, the Sun Blade 100.  This is not a “blade” server but instead is a workstation with a funny name.  I found one for less than $30 on eBay and went for it.

Setting up OpenBSD on this hardware was surprisingly simple.  I read through the documentation and then followed it pretty carefully.  It was surprisingly similar to setting up a PowerPC machine and before too much longer I had it up and running.

I’m eyeing an SGI machine and possibly an Alpha.  It seems that the PA-RISC machines are surprisingly expensive for even older boxes.  Apparently the resale market for them is much stronger or the supply is more constrained.  I’m not sure there.

At the end of the day, building and testing on these other platforms is useful to the community and the “exotic” nature of them in today’s homogeneous computing landscape lends a little spice to working on things.  I’m glad my path took this turn.

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The postman always rings twice…

OK.  At this point, I have a working router for my internal network.  I’m using pf as my firewall, have a heavily (in my mind) secured ssh path into things and I’m having fun watching port scanners hit me and try to log into my ssh (which doesn’t accept passwords).  I think it’s time to see if I can break everything by setting up a mail server!  I mean, how hard can it be?

And that’s how all of this started.  I figured it would be as simple as finding a good tutorial on the internet, standing up the right config changes on my machine and presto – I’ll have my own email server with the data being stored on my own hardware, not some cloud server that gets mined for ways to better market to me.  Unfortunately, the state of US based ISPs made this much more difficult.

After some stumbling around, I discovered that inbound traffic on port 25 (smtp) was blocked at the perimeter by my ISP.  I would need to get more creative.  Later I discovered that they also block all outbound traffic on that port as well.  More creativity needed to solve that problem.

Fortunately as a listener of many fine podcasts on the Jupiter Broadcasting Network (http://jupiterbroadcasting.com) including BSDNow (http://bsdnow.tv), I had heard of a company called Digital Ocean (http://digitalocean.com).  This is a cloud hosting provider where all storage is SSD and you have gigabit networking right up to your VM.  The best part is that you can stand up their low-end server for as little as $5.00 US per month.

The reason I need that server is that I need to be able to have a mail relay that doesn’t have the port restrictions on it to send and receive email on my behalf and forward traffic both ways.  For example, someone sends me an email and the internet deilvers it on port 25 of my relay server.  It then turns around and forwards it to a high-numbered port on my internal server (actually my router that I described in the last blog post).  When I send mail from my server, it has to go out on a high numbered port and get relayed to my DigitalOcean server so that it can turn around and deliver it on port 25 for me.

Conceiving all of this in my mind as a design was one thing.  Actually building it was another.  I decided to use the OpenSMTP implementation that is part of the base operating system in OpenBSD and (of course) run the relay server on OpenBSD.  And there was the first hiccup.  While DigitalOcean recently added support for FreeBSD, they don’t officially support OpenBSD yet.  Fortunately for me, the folks at the BSDNow podcast had already solved this for me.  They pointed me at a nice blog post where someone set up a FreeBSD server on DigitalOcean and used the swapfile to load the miniroot filesystem from OpenBSD to run the install from (http://www.tubsta.com/2015/04/openbsd-on-digital-ocean/).

Cool!  The one trick you have to know is that OpenBSD 5.7 does not work to install this way.  You have to be on a newer release so I’m running 5.8-current on the server and its working just fine.  Once I had that in place, I needed to open the appropriate ports on pf to allow traffic into the right ports but keep everything else locked down.

#       $OpenBSD: pf.conf,v 1.54 2014/08/23 05:49:42 deraadt Exp $
# See pf.conf(5) and /etc/examples/pf.conf

set skip on lo

block return    # block stateless traffic
pass            # establish keep-state

# By default, do not permit remote connections to X11
block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010

block in log all

pass in on egress proto tcp to any port 22
pass in on egress proto tcp to any port smtp
pass in on egress proto tcp to any port 2525
pass in on egress proto tcp to any port submission

As you can see, it’s a pretty vanilla configuration but I’m opening port 25 (smtp), port 587 (submission) and port 2525 (my high numbered port that I will receive email from my internal server on to relay to the ultimate destination over port 25 on the public internet).

The next step was to actually stand up OpenSMTP on the relay server.  I first needed to enable it to start at boot by adding:


to my /etc/rc.conf.local file.  Then I followed the tutorial on this brilliant blog post (http://technoquarter.blogspot.com/p/series.html) to do most of the configuration of my relay server.  I did have to modify the resulting /etc/mail/smtpd.conf for my relay use case as follows:

pki mail.mydomain.com certificate "/etc/ssl/mail.mydomain.com.crt"
pki mail.mydomain.com key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.mydomain.com.key"

listen on lo0
listen on egress tls pki mail.mydomain.com auth-optional
listen on egress port submission tls-require pki mail.mydomain.com auth

listen on egress port 2525 tls pki mail.mydomain.com auth-optional

table relays file:/etc/mail/relays
table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
table vusers file:/etc/mail/vusers
table vdomains file:/etc/mail/vdomains

accept from source <relays> for any relay as “@mydomain.com”
accept from any for domain <vdomains> relay via “tls://”

As you can see, the key changes were to add a relays table to identify the specific IP addresses I will relay mail to and from, the listen on port 2525 to ensure that I capture the outbound mail from my internal server, and the accept from lines at the bottom to identify who I am receiving email from and where I am relaying it to.

Now, I needed to configure my internal server.  I modified /etc/rc.conf.local to allow the smtpd daemon to auto-start at boot, and used the same basic configuration of this server.  It’s /etc/mail/smtpd.conf file, however, is the mirror image of the relay server’s:

pki mail.mydomain.com certificate “/etc/ssl/mail.mydomain.com.crt”
pki mail.mydomain.com key “/etc/ssl/private/mail.mydomain.com.key”

listen on lo0
listen on egress port 2525 tls pki mail.mydomain.com auth-optional
listen on egress port submission tls-require pki mail.mydomain.com auth

table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
table vusers file:/etc/mail/vusers
table vdomains file:/etc/mail/vdomains
table relays file:/etc/mail/relays

accept for local alias <aliases> deliver to mbox

accept from source <relays> for domain <vdomains> virtual <vusers> deliver to mbox
accept from local for any relay via “tls://mail.mydomain.com:2525” as “@mydomain.com”

As you can see, the key difference is that we are only listening on port 2525 (not port 25 and 2525 like we do on the relay server) and we are relaying via TLS to the DigitalOcean VM on port 2525 for outbound communication.

I opened up ports 587 and 2525 in my local /etc/pf.conf file, reloaded pf, started smtpd on both servers and… it didn’t work.  Took me a bit of thinking but I had forgotten to port map those ports from my ISP’s cablemodem/router to my internal box.  Once I did that, eveything worked… sort of.

It turns out that today, you are a spammer to the internet until proven otherwise.  Fortunately, there is a great service called mxtoolbox.com that will scan your setup for you and let you know what needed to be done.

  1. I needed to make sure that my relay server’s reverse lookup on its IP address matched the name I was sending mail from.  On DigitalOcean they take the name of your VM in the dashboard and use that.  Easy enough to change.
  2. I needed to create an SPF record for the domain.  This is a TXT record in DNS that tells senders which servers will accept email.  I went with a simple one that just said “use any MX record you see in my DNS” to keep it easy.  In the end, the record looks like “v=spf1 mx -all”.
  3. My internal server needed to have an MX record in my DNS for the domain.  I could not get the relay server to successfully relay to the internal server without it.  Not sure why, but this did solve the problem for me.  I used a 10 priority for my relay server and a 100 priority for my internal server to ensure that mail would be directed at the relay by senders.
  4. I needed to add a DMARC record to tell senders where to send undeliverable reports.  This ends up being another TXT record on the domain that looks like “v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:postmaster@mydomain.com”.
  5. I created an alias of “postmaster” to ensure that these emails make it to my account.

Once I had all of this working, I could successfully send email from Google to my new account on my mail server, it would arrive on port 25 of my relay, get passed along on port 2525 to my internal server, would be accepted and stored in my local account’s mbox.  I could then read the message and reply to it, going out of port 2525 on my internal server to the relay server, then it would be passed along on port 25 to the destination.

I’m still showing up as spam in a lot of mail services so I clearly have more work to do, but I get a clean bill of health on mboxtools.com (including a detailed search for my relay server’s IP address in all of the blacklists, etc.)  I’ll continue to research this and edit this post in the future when I figure it out.  However, what I have now is working well enough (and was hard enough to figure out) that I wanted to share what I had learned.

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Friends don’t let friends use commercial routers

Now that I have my laptop working well, it’s time to address one of the main reasons I wanted to explore OpenBSD – securing my home network.  Many people might question the need for this.  After all, isn’t that the job of your Internet Service Provider?

Case in point – I received a notice from my ISP that they would be sending me a new cablemodem/router that I had to install by a particular date or I would possibly not be able to access the Internet.  After setting it up (turns out they were migrating to IPv6 which was why I needed new hardware), I ran into some problems.  I spent 2+ hours on the phone with their support team that followed a pattern:

  • On hold for 20 minutes
  • Speak to an agent
  • They tell me to reboot the modem (which I’ve done)
  • I tell them the problem is deeper than that
  • They tell me they will escalate this to a level 2 technician, please hold
  • They hang up on me

After a couple of iterations of this, I got frustrated.  I did some Googling and found the default admin userid and password for the modem.  Surely that wouldn’t work…  Yep it did.  So on the one hand, I was able to fix my problem (yay) on the other, what an appalling security setup.  I needed to have my own firewall that fronted to the ISPs router and treat their network as hostile.  As I’m fond of saying, the only thing more dangerous than running an insecure network is thinking you are running a secure network.

Fortunately, our friends at BSDNow.TV had a great tutorial for solving this problem (http://www.bsdnow.tv/tutorials/openbsd-router).  However, there was the question of what hardware to use.  I wanted something that would be quiet and not consume a lot of power (i.e. not generate a lot of heat) and yet be powerful enough to serve multiple purposes on my network.  I also wanted hardware (especially network hardware) that was mainstream for OpenBSD.  Oh, and it needed two NICs.

I ended up selecting a fanless ASRock motherboard (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157417) that had a dual core 1.86 GHz Atom processor and two Intel gigabit NICs onboard.  I purchased a replacement fan (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608055) for the power supply in the case (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811108196) I ordered to keep the noise levels down.  Throw in a couple of sticks of RAM and a small SSD and I was good to go.

When the hardware arrived, I quickly assembled it, booted from the OpenBSD 5.7 install image (I figured I wouldn’t run current on this box because it needed to be more of an appliance) from a thumb drive (install57.fs) and configured my base system.  After that, I followed the BSDNow tutorial and soon had a router up and running.

I’ve been running the router for some time now and the performance is great.  The only issue I have had to date is with dnscrypt and the server I chose to use in the Netherlands.  There was a recent Amazon outage and that server went dark on me which caused me to chase my tail a bit to find out why I couldn’t resolve names any more on the network.  After that, it seemed to have an issue where, after 7 days of uptime, it would randomly stop resolving names.  I switched to a server in Sweden and it looks like that problem is resolved.  I could run my own recursive server internally but I liked the fact that my DNS requests were totally unknown to my ISP and being serviced outside of the United States.

On my “todo” list going forward, I would like to:

  • Set up an internal caching proxy server to improve my local network’s performance to frequently visited sites
  • Set up my own internal mail server that stores all of my mail data locally on an encrypted volume
  • Set up network monitoring (likely nagios given my experience with it) using the new httpd daemon in OpenBSD (no more Apache for me)
  • Set up snort as an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) on the internal network

In the “just for convenience” category, I set up an ssh server, poked a wall through the pf firewall and port forwarded the port from the ISP’s modem to my box.  I set it up as securely as I could think to (no password logins allowed, root cannot login) and limited it to using certificate based authentication with only one user on the box having access.  For fun (I know, I have strange hobbies) I created a cron job to look at who was trying to remotely log into the open port and was astonished at the frequency of attacks.

For those interested, here is the quick & dirty script I cooked up to generate a daily report from the router that I send to my gmail address each morning (triggered by cron) so that I can keep an eye on what’s going on:

#! /bin/sh
echo 'Uptime:' > /tmp/network-report
uptime >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'Hardware sensors' >> /tmp/network-report
sysctl hw.sensors >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'Egress (em0) network statistics' >> /tmp/network-report
vnstat -i em0 >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'Interal (em1) network statistics' >> /tmp/network-report
vnstat -i em1 >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'List of firewall rules' >> /tmp/network-report
pfctl -g -s rules| grep '^@' >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'Tcpdump of egress (em0) network' >> /tmp/network-report
tcpdump -n -e -ttt -r /var/log/pflog inbound and host >> /tmp/network-report
echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report

echo ' ' >> /tmp/network-report
echo 'Failed ssh login attempts' >> /tmp/network-report
cat /var/log/authlog | grep 'sshd' | grep 'Invalid' >> /tmp/network-report
cat /var/log/authlog | grep 'sshd' | grep 'Invalid' | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-
9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' | sort | uniq -u | while read in; do /usr
/local/bin/country.sh "$in"; done >> /tmp/network-report

cat /tmp/network-report | mail -s 'Daily router activity' me@mydomain.com

The “country.sh” was a little quick & dirty script I cooked up to further “gild the lilly”.  I was curious as to what the country of origin was for the attempted intrusions.  Again, I have odd hobbies.  Here’s that script too if you are interested:

! /bin/sh

echo >/tmp/lookup "curl -silent /dev/null https://restcountries.eu/rest/v1/alpha/"
curl -silent /dev/null ipinfo.io/$1 | grep country | sed s/'  "country":'//g |sed s/'"'//g | sed s/,//g | awk '{print tolower($0)}' >> /tmp/lookup

sed 'N;s/\n//' /tmp/lookup > /tmp/lookup.sh
chmod +x /tmp/lookup.sh

echo $1 ' -> ' >/tmp/result.out
exec /tmp/lookup.sh | perl -pe 's/,/\n/g' | grep name | sed 's/{"name":"//g'| sed 's/"//g' >>/tmp/result.out

cat /tmp/result.out | sed 'N;s/\n//'

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Refining my setup – Privacy

To continue the security / privacy theme, I discovered some really nice tools on a site called http://privacytools.io and incorporated them into my setup.

I’m now running Firefox full-time and am using LastPass as a password manager so that I can have a unique, strong password on all sites that are password protected.  In addition, I’m using:

  • HTTPS Everywhere (EFF) – Forces sites to use HTTPS everywhere it can so that more of your traffic is encrypted by default
  • Random Agent Spoofer – Allows you to randomize your user-agent and also block other things that the browser passes back
  • Self-destructing cookies – Deletes a site’s cookies when you close the tab or close the browser
  • uBlock Origin – A very impressive ad and tracker blocking tool

In addition, at the recommendation of PrivacyToolsIO, I purchased a VPN subscription from a non US-based provider who doesn’t retain logs (AirVPN).  It certainly does slow down my network access but the fact that the OpenVPN client encrypts data before it ever leaves my laptop is very nice.

Finally, for backups, I found an excellent provider called TarSnap.  The backup client is open source and it encrypts your data with a key that you generate and control before it leaves your machine.  The encrypted, de-duplicated data is stored in the cloud at a very inexpensive price.  My estimate is that my encrypted backups will cost in the neighborhood of $10 per year.

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Setting up Arch

Now that I have the OpenBSD install humming along securely on my primary hard drive, it’s time to set up Arch Linux and my Windows VM on the mSATA drive.  I want to make sure that I take the same care with the privacy and security of this set up as well so I did more research.

It turns out that you can set up an encrypted boot volume and encrypted swap on Arch pretty easily.  The following links pointed the way for me:

After getting the base system up and running, I installed Gnome3 and GDM to make it as similar to my OpenBSD set up as I could.

I then installed Oracle’s VirtualBox software and was able to get Windows 8.1 up and running.  The only hiccup I ran into was that I had to disable 3D acceleration in VirtualBox or the Windows VM would hang on startup.  Sounds like there is a little glitch there that would be nice to get fixed.

At this point, I now have a system that can be easily dual booted by choosing the right boot volume from the BIOS at start up time and both are very similarly configured.

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Secure by design…

So I figured that if I really wanted to leverage the capabilities of OpenBSD, I should do my utmost to ensure that what I created was a secure experience.  The first thing that jumped to mind was cryptographic security of the hard drive.  In the event that the possibly mythical (after all, am I really that interesting?) “Bad Guy”(TM) stole my laptop, how can I prevent them from finding the innumerable pictures of cats that clog my browser cache from http://reddit.com/r/aww and embarrassing me with their publication on a national news site?

I started doing some research (a fancy way of saying I fired up my browser and hit Google) and discovered that OpenBSD had me covered already here.  OpenBSD has full disk encryption and setting it up was really simple.  I visited one of my favorite sites (http://bsdnow.tv) and found a tutorial that shows how to set up full disk encryption for each of the BSDs:


The nice thing about OpenBSD is that the swapfile has been encrypted by default for several versions now so there were no special hoops to jump through.

The next thing I wanted to think through was network security.  Fortunately the built-in firewall software (PF) that is provided with OpenBSD is very powerful.   Incredibly powerful.  I might lock my keys in the car and have to walk to work powerful. Again though, the good people of the Internet have provided some really nice tutorials that provide some good starting points here.

One of the things I wanted to do was to see if I could block inbound traffic from countries that should never be connecting to my laptop.  I’ve been running a Debian server for some time on my home network (an old Power PC G4 Mac Mini that I had no other uses for) where I opened up port 22 on my firewall and redirected it to this machine (which only had a single user with a crazy password on it).  The fun thing (and yes, I recognize that this is an odd hobby) was to look at the country of origin for the approximately 5 login attempts per second that I was registering on this server.  No offense to my friends from these regions, but the bulk were Russian, Chinese, or Korean addresses.

I found an article on Undeadly.org that explained how you can leverage the data at http://ipdeny.com to do this pretty nicely:


It should be noted that this might not be the most precise source of data for doing this type of thing, but it gets pretty close.

Finally, once I am connected to the Internet, I want to make sure that my browser(s) of choice (I typically run both Firefox and Chrome so that I can test my web applications with both major rendering engines) are configured to maximize my privacy.  For that, I look to a collection of browser plugins:

  • HTTPS Everywhere (forces the browser to use HTTPS exclusively if the site offers it)
  • Ghostly (blocks trackers)
  • AdBlock Pro

The last one (blocking ads) is a bit personally controversial for me in that I want to support my favorite tech sites by generating impressions for their ads (which generates revenue for them).  However, given recent news that has come out of malware being spread by maliciously crafted ads that exploit flaws in things like Adobe Flash, I felt that I really needed to take this step as well.

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The hardware

Since I had chosen the Thinkpad x220 for my platform in this experiment.  I needed to think through exactly what my goals were.  Specifically I wanted to have a platform where I could:

  • Dedicate the entire drive to OpenBSD
  • Still be able to access things in Windows if I had to in a pinch (I promise I wash my hands after using Windows every time)
  • Do software development in both C/C++ (on OpenBSD and ports)
  • Do software development in Java/JavaScript (for work or personal projects)

The system needed to be secure above all else and responsive too.

Given all of this, I decided that I would take advantage of the fact that the x220 supported an mSATA drive.  This means that I can have the primary hard drive dedicated to OpenBSD but use the mSATA drive to boot some other operating system.  I wasn’t really comfortable with the idea of installing Windows straight up on it so instead I opted for a compromise – I would use a Linux distribution as the host OS and run Windows in a virtual machine under it.

So now the question was – which Linux distribution do I use for my host OS.  I ended up choosing Arch over all of the other contenders.  I have a significant amount of personal experience with Debian, but I felt that Arch was closer to the spirit of how you work when you are in OpenBSD.  I knew I was taking on some periodic maintenance (you never want to fall too far behind on Arch because big changes can really sock it to you if you eat them all at once), but I figured a weekly reboot into Arch would be good to have as a regular maintenance regimen.

I spent some time researching whether or not I should use Grub, etc. to handle the booting between Arch and OpenBSD when I finally realized I was over-complicating my life.  Since the two operating systems would be on different physical drives and I would be dedicating the entire drive to each one, I could just use the BIOS boot menu on the x220 to choose which one I wanted to boot up, leaving OpenBSD as the primary that would be booted into by default.

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OpenBSD – The first step in a journey

My first experience on a multi-user UNIX system back in the 80’s was on SunOS, so the concept of Berkley UNIX was one that was ingrained in me very early.  I went from that experience to writing and maintaining a cross-platform GUI programming language (roughly based on Pascal) that ran on OS/2, Windows, AIX, HP/UX and Solaris.

At one point, I heard about Linux and managed to cobble together a machine that I thought could run it.  I was surprised that my 8-bit ISA SCSI card (yes, this was pre 1.x Linux) wasn’t fully supported so I hacked on the driver source until I could actually boot it.  I managed to get our cross-platform programming language ported to Linux over the span of a few years and really enjoyed the freedom that came with an open source system.

From there, I moved into doing Windows programming on the .NET platform in C# for many, many years.  Recently, I moved into the open source world doing Java and JavaScript web applications where the UI is completely decoupled from the middle tier via a REST API that the middle tier expresses.

I re-discovered the BSDs a few years ago and found them to be very compelling.  For some reason, I gravitated towards OpenBSD because of the care that the developers take with making sure that the code is clean and that technical debt is not allowed to pile up.  The fact that you see features being actively removed from the source tree is something that is very appealing to me – it’s like addition through subtraction.  The end result is a very solid and secure platform.

I had been playing around with OpenBSD and wondered if I could get a laptop that ran the OS natively and actually “live” / work from it.  I got an old Thinkpad x220 (because my research indicated that this would be a solid platform that was well supported) and got to work.

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